
lightbulb graphic

Living in the Light.

You have many types of lightbulbs and other unconventional ways to choose from to light your home. The best and most cost effective bulb is called an LED (light emitting diode) bulb. These are the most expensive to buy, but last the longest by far, some even up to 11 years.

The most common lightbulb is an incandescent light bulb. These are by far the most harmful to the environment and also not the most effective way to light your home. Incandescent bulbs only convert 20% of the energy they use into light, and the other 80% goes into heat. The next choice is a halogen light bulb. These use 15% less energy than incandescent, but they create a very intense heat that can burn items in your home if stored too close. The other common option is a CFL bulb. These have a longer lifespan but are considered hazardous waste when disposed of.

Other options include skylights, which can provide lots of natural light, but can impact insulation and sunpipes. Sunpipes are a way to let natural light into rooms without windows. Sunpipes funnel daylight through mirror finished aluminium tube which reflects and directs it to the double glazed ceiling diffuser.